How To Turn Your First House Into Your Dream Home

Buying your first home in Seattle is an exciting time. A new chapter of your life is beginning. Full of possibilities and adventure. But there are a lot of mistakes new home owners make that can leave them feeling oddly alienated in their own home. Because they don’t take the time to turn the house into a home.

Everyone has an image of their dream home. But few people know how to achieve that dream. Primarily because of financial restrictions. But also because they overlook a lot of more practical aspects of how to properly run a home efficiently. If you are spending all your time fixing issues and dealing with chores you won’t have the energy or motivation to make your home feel like your own space.

This guide will help you better manage your new home life. So that you can slowly transform your new Seattle house into your dream home.

Manage Your Financial Expectations

When we think of our dream home we often think of a world where money is no object. And while it is fun to imagine this concept, it can be harmful too. It will give you unrealistic expectations and you will only end up disappointed when you can’t meet them. So the first step in creating your dream home is to imagine something more achievable.

This isn’t to say you need to sacrifice what you want. But you just need to scale it down. There are hundreds of cheaper alternatives to a lot of the more popular home decor desires and features. Let’s say, for example, you’ve always dreamed of having chandeliers in your home. In the past these fixtures were considered a luxury. There are hundreds of cheaper options available these days though. You just need to spend the time shopping around.

Master Your Chores

Moving into a new home will come with a nearly endless list of chores and responsibilities. You will have to deal with the influx of bills associated with getting your house up and running. Setting up direct debit. Signing contracts. Organizing your utilities and doing any DIY that needs to be done. On top of that you will have the day to day chores like grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, cooking. All of this can leave you drained if you don’t get a handle on it fast.

The first step will be to outsource or automate anything that can be. Your weekly food shop can be done online and set to repeat. Meaning you never have to worry about it again. If you have a lot of laundry piling up then you should consider using a company like WeWash24, this Seattle dry cleaning company offers collect and delivery laundry services. You should also look at installing smart appliances to streamline your day-to-day life.

Focus On Personalisation

One of the most important steps in turning your house into your dream home is personalisation. Anyone can pick decorations and furniture out of a catalog to make their home look nice. But you need to ensure you are adding those little touches that really show off who you are as a person. Your home should be a reflection of you after all.

There are many different ways to add a more personal touch to your home. The first, and most obvious, is with mementos and decorations from your life. Pictures of you and your loved ones. If most of your photos are digital you could look at getting a digital picture frame to show off a collection of memories. If you are part of a family you might consider getting some professional family pictures taken that can be framed and displayed in your lounge.

Personalisation doesn’t always mean the decoration or furniture needs to be mementos. They could be representations of your interests and passions. For example, if you’re a writer or an avid reader then you could install lavish bookcases to show off your collection. If you’re a musician you could hang your instruments up on the walls or have your favorite vinyl albums framed. If you’re an artist, or an avid art fan, hanging works from your favorite painters will really add a touch of vibrancy to your home.

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